Dark Poetry: Forgotten Trail

Forgotten Trail Wading through a dark muddy forgotten trail, My tired legs sank low into the wet dirty ground, like quick sand. Somewhere along the way, I had gotten lost… Not remembering how I got here. Just feeling… “lost in the race.” These peaceful outdoor nature surroundings deemed unfamiliar, The journey, seemed to be aContinue reading “Dark Poetry: Forgotten Trail”

Poetry: Contemplating Life

  C   CONTEMPLATING LIFE ****************** Contemplating life and its abundant circle… Watching the ole’ clock tick into the late wee hours as it sneaks past midnight. So much wonder on the curious mind, analyzing this such life and all there is to find. Such a vast universe of never-ending space, yet so many –Continue reading “Poetry: Contemplating Life”

Poetry: ….”The Journey.”

…The Journey ******************   Our lives… are delicate.   Our physical existence on this earthly plane, is not forever, but the heart of our souls lives on.   Objects and possessions are not to represent us, Although, the love that we have been gifted, can certainly be multiplied by thousands of times.   Each moment…Continue reading “Poetry: ….”The Journey.””

Poetry: “Season Three… another year, wrapped under the tree…”

Season Three …another year, wrapped under the tree. ——————————————————————–   Tis’ the third season has come and the traveling winds have whispered through the winds of change…   I once was there, in a fog of darkness and despair… and now I stand here, near the branches of the trees, where the air has becomeContinue reading “Poetry: “Season Three… another year, wrapped under the tree…””

Poetry: “Journey On”

JOURNEY ON *************************** …step…step….step, into the cool air that surrounds me above the dim stars… Breathe… Breathe into the silent air above the dark sky at midnight… Stare…blink….stand… Still. So still. Gather my scattered thoughts… Invisible thoughts that come alive in my so-active non-silent mind. Look up , so high….into the never-ending sky… wishing for…Continue reading “Poetry: “Journey On””

Getting literally lost in my own thoughts

RAINY DAYS MAKE MY MIND WANDER…..FAR. I am not one who takes life lightly, nor do I fuss over the normal every day things…If a person were to ask me what I was thinking about…they might be sorry they asked . I am constantly contemplating life, the universe, our reason for being and the conundrumContinue reading “Getting literally lost in my own thoughts”