Dark Poetry: Secrets of Mortality

Secrets of Mortality ———————– Our own mortality. One of the things that humans fear the most. Death. The end. ultimate termination. The cryptic darkness that awaits as we pray for the everlasting bright light. Mortality. It haunts us through the very core of our thin skin. In the loneliness of a moonless midnight we layContinue reading “Dark Poetry: Secrets of Mortality”

Featured on Realistic Poetry International

My writing and art was featured in an article written by Realistic Poetry International.     A STAR IN THE TWILIGHT…. Check out the article by clicking on the link below: http://www.realisticpoetry.com/poetry-blog/ariana-cherry-a-glowing-star-in-the-twilight

Books: Twisted Paths Poetry – receives 5 star Rating!

”  If you’ve ever wondered what the darkness looks like, this is it….”   – Realistic Poetry International (Click here to purchase on Amazon!)     I was honored to receive a 5-star rating from Realistic Poetry International on my horror poetry  collection, Twisted Paths Poetry. The review can be found below: ____________________ The BlacknessContinue reading “Books: Twisted Paths Poetry – receives 5 star Rating!”

Dark Love Poetry: To You, Dearest Love

To You, Dearest Love __________________________ My deareset love, oh thou, my heart has ached for you a million years. Sitting under a bright kindred moonlight, my thoughts fall back to your tender touch. I lay here, counting every single twinkling star up in the clear night sky, bathing in amorous memories that I wear uponContinue reading “Dark Love Poetry: To You, Dearest Love”

COMING SOON: ONLY IF: Part 2: Clara’s Story

Like us on Facebook! ——–> https://www.facebook.com/OnlyIfPart2/ Clara will rise from the dead, March 2017 to tell her story. -and she wants revenge! Clara’s Introduction ——————— Obsession… Curiousity with death… I’ve had plenty. But to walk on the other side – to stare death in the face. Well – here I am. I’m looking at it. AndContinue reading “COMING SOON: ONLY IF: Part 2: Clara’s Story”

Dark Poetry: Scrooged Soul

Scrooged Soul Inside the dear old aged man, a cracked heart once made of gold, was now broken, hurt with joyful stories he no longer told. Tunes of joyous delight, and Christmases of bright, hurt his somber soul. A once bright heart, had gone stone cold, a lustrous light gone in the dark. Tis, suchContinue reading “Dark Poetry: Scrooged Soul”

Dark Poetry: Hungry Wolves of Black Friday

HUNGRY WOLVES OF BLACK FRIDAY ———————————————— Just some miles hidden within the utter darkness, I could hear their earnest mourns and undoubted cries. They echoed horrendously off sensitive eardrums which brought painful tears to swollen sinus driven eyes. Deafening cries and mourns similar to rabid hungry wolves yelling out atrocious obscenities over careless irrelevant matters.Continue reading “Dark Poetry: Hungry Wolves of Black Friday”

Dark Poetry: Winter Solitude

  Winter Solitude ——————————- Alas, there was a barren crossroad, or perhaps crossfigured, in denial of where it shall meet. But then, there were the lonely trees – those too, barren. Its leaves stolen from an irate wind that left frigid ice in its place. Barren crossroads. Naked trees. Tis it all seemed too muchContinue reading “Dark Poetry: Winter Solitude”

Dark Poetry: Wintertide

Wintertide The mutterings of the wind wildy gust in, as nature bellows in agony and despair for their winter death… Wintertide is upon us… Intense frosty early morns, as the ice grows its frigid layers stealing warmth. Wintertide is upon us. Life seems stagnant as the greens of the lands become gray and the silenceContinue reading “Dark Poetry: Wintertide”